Friday, September 12, 2008

Martin Heidegger Life and Philosophy

I caught a BBC documentary put on Youtube on six short clips short parts called Matin Heidegger Life and Philosophy. Just google the title and you should be able to get it on the Internet. Martin Heidegger is considered probably one of the greatest philosophers in the 20th century influencing political, economic, and social thinkers no matter what their perspective. The documentary is worth seeing and it is worth considering as a discussion for the Weed Garden.
I would like just to offer a comment after seeing the documentary. It is quite possible to be brilliant in one field of knowledge and at the same time completely stupid in another field. It is also possible to be a genius and lack character. Heidegger became a distinguished Nazi member and his renowned scholarship help give needed credence to Nazism. Heidegger also destroyed the careers of a number of distinguished German scholars during his time as being a head of a distinguished German academic institution. Heidegger actively encouraged young people to be associated with Nazism. After the Nazis were defeated Heidegger had little to say about the Holocaust. The documentary goes into these and other subjects in much more depth. The documentary starts with this distinguished Quote from Heidegger.
“He who thinks great thoughts often makes great errors.”
I think we should consider this astute statement by Heidegger as perhaps a motto for the Weed Garden.

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